Inu-yasha..s-cry-ed...dragon drive,angle tales,sailor moon...I like all kinds
Everyone you should check out anime...Its real kool...Trust me so always tired Opening to Sailor
In-Yuasha Moive part One 30 mins long ^_^.In japanse but with american sub titles
PArt two!!!!!
Dont have part 3 :'(
Part 4 favorite charcter!! awwwwwww look at inu-yasha and kagome!!! ^_^
I Go to Anime Meetings At the Libary Every once a month Mah fav hows that i know of. s-cry-ed Loki Inu-yasha FLCL samurai
chaploo (sp?) And a bunch More ^_^
Sailor moon stuff
Sailor moon the Movie:Promise of the Rose
(Over an Hour Long)